#define STATE_UNINSTALLED NXLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(NULL, bundle, "Uninstalled", NULL, original package state)
#define STATE_INSTALLED NXLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(NULL, bundle, "installed", "Installed", package has been uncompressed unto disk)
#define STATE_COMPRESSD NXLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(NULL, bundle, "compressed", "Compressed", installed package has been recompressed)
// so InfoView.strings can be ripped off from Installer.app
#define SIZEFORMAT NXLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle("InfoView", bundle, "%s installed, %s compressed", NULL, Short indication to user about the size of a package once installed and the size when compressed)
#define SIZEGZIPFORMAT NXLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(NULL, bundle, "%s installed, %s gzipped", NULL, Short indication to user about the size of a package once installed and the size when compressed using gzip_package)